Missourian’s and their Community Trees: Results from an MDC Survey


A survey was administered in 2012 including asking respondents how they would vote on two hypothetical ballot questions: would they be willing to pay a tax (of varying level) to fund tree care and maintenance, and would they support establishing a new law to protect trees during development. Based on pre-tests, the survey was printed in 10 different versions, each with a different tax level ($X) in the hypothetical ballot issue. This method, referred to in economic literature as the contingent valuation method, allows the calculation of the population’s mean willingness-to-pay for public tree care and maintenance.

  • When asked “How would you vote to establish a tree fund costing each homeowner $X?” over 53% of respondents said they would vote for the fund (across all monetary amounts), 23% against, and 23% undecided.
  • The top reasons listed for respondents’ decision on the hypothetical ballot issue were cost (72%), the wording of the referendum (65%), the condition of community trees (62%), and other competing community needs (54%).
  • Missourian’s willingness-to-pay for a tree fund in their community varied from a low of $4.47 per household in smaller communities (population less than 5,000) to over $60 in St. Louis and its suburbs.
  • When deciding whether to vote for more taxes to pay for tree care, about 80% say trees help with property values is an important factor while only 11% say it would not be important.
  • Trees are part of a community’s infrastructure. Eighty-three percent agree or strongly agree that community trees are part of a community’s assets like streets, utilities, and parks.
  • There is strong support for tree protection during development and construction, with 84.6% that think protecting trees from development is important and 65% thinking too many trees are lost during development, and 80% think a community should protect trees from construction. Over 53% responded that it is very important or important to have a tree law which defines the communities’ responsibilities in these areas.
  • In questions about topped trees, 56% of people said topped trees are not healthy, over 90% said topped trees are not attractive but just 16% said they see topped trees frequently.
  • About 72% responded it is either very or somewhat important for cities to manage trees to minimum standards.
  • Almost 85% think it is important to prune trees and 90% think it is important to manage trees for safety.
Published on Jan 01, 2013 - by Nick Kuhn

In project: Community Trees



Missouri Timber Price Trends (all price from 1994 to the present)

MOFEP Bird Publications


List of MOFEP bird project publications.

Published on Aug 05, 2021

In project: Songbirds

MOFEP Ground Flora Publications


List of MOFEP Ground Flora publications

Published on May 05, 2021

MOFEP Herp Publications


List of publications resulting from the MOFEP Herp project

Published on Aug 05, 2021 - by Shelby Timm

In project: Herps

MOFEP Publications


MOFEP publication list sorted by year. Project specific publications can additionally be found within their project page.

Published on Jul 07, 2021

In project: MOFEP Overview

MOFEP Publications Available on TreeSearch

Published on Jul 07, 2021

MOFEP Small Mammal Publications


List of publications from the MOFEP small mammal project

Published on Aug 05, 2021

In project: Small Mammals

MOFEP Tours and Field Experiences

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Presented on Apr 04, 2023 - by Shelby Timm

MOFEP: site history, soils, landforms, woody and herbaceous vegetation, down wood, and inventory methods for the landscape experiment

Published on Aug 31, 2000