Evaluation of Neonicotinoid Insecticide Use on MDC Lands

Neonicotinoids are a class of chemical insecticide widely used as pre-planting seed treatments on major agricultural crops such as corn, soybeans, canola, and cereals (e.g., wheat) to control insect agricultural pests. Recently concerns have been raised about the potential immediate and long-term effects of these chemicals on bees and aquatic invertebrates. In addition to toxicity concerns regarding non-target species, these chemicals are relatively water soluble and persistent in soil, raising concern about contamination of surface waters in the vicinity of their use.

Wiley Online Library

(Need|s Subscription) Published on Apr 12, 2018 - by Laura Satkowski, Dr. Keith Goyne, Stephen Anderson, Robert Lerch, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Daniel Snow

Science Direct

(Need|s Subscription) Published on Mar 18, 2019 - by Anson Main, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Dr. Keith Goyne, Doreen Mengel

Ecological Society of America Journals

(Need|s Subscription) Published on Mar 30, 2018 - by Doreen Mengel

American Chemical Society Publications

(Need|s Subscription) Published on Aug 14, 2019 - by Anson Main

Human Dimension Survey Methods

MDC managers and decision makers often need information on what “the public” thinks about resource management issues—from how users like a new trail or exhibit to how the state should manage the deer population. For any public survey, we must identify the target audience and how results will be used. With nearly every survey MDC conducts reviewers will also ask “Wouldn’t online surveys save MDC money?” and we respond, “It depends!” Online surveys have become attractive as a presumably economical way to measure constituents’ preferences, opinions, and attitudes.

Mail vs. Email - A Pulse Check on Surveys (PDF, 228 KB)

Published on Jul 09, 2018 - by Thomas Treiman, Mr. Ronald Reitz

LiDAR Applications Project

Light Range and Detection, which is more commonly referred to as LiDAR, is remote sensing technology that has become increasingly available and used for a wide range of purposes in the last 10-15 years. LiDAR sensors measure distances and are often used to map topographic relief by generating a mass of elevation points. With the advancement in computer processing, additional information collected with LiDAR sensors pertaining to forest structure (e.g., tree height and density) have also begun to be analyzed.

Wetland Decisions Support Tool (PDF, 2 MB)

Presented on Oct 05, 2021

Population Genetics of Walleye

Walleye management is focused on preservation,countering the negative effects of impoundments, and providing angling opportunities. New information has emerged regarding the genetic structure of walleye using microsatellite makers and mitochondrial DNA.
Project Start Date

Secretive Marsh Bird Research

Secretive Marsh Birds (SMBs) are a group of wetland birds including rails, bitterns and moorhens. They get their name because the dense vegetation they live in and their coloration make them very hard to detect in the wild.

Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Least Bittern Nest Selection and Breeding Success (PDF, 535 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Evan B Hill, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Doreen Mengel

Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Secretive Marsh Bird Habitat Use During Spring Migration (PDF, 539 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Evan B Hill, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Doreen Mengel

The Timing of Autumn Rail Migration in Missouri (PDF, 409 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Auriel M.V. Fournier, Doreen Mengel