Secretive Marsh Bird Research

Secretive Marsh Birds (SMBs) are a group of wetland birds including rails, bitterns and moorhens. They get their name because the dense vegetation they live in and their coloration make them very hard to detect in the wild.

Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Least Bittern Nest Selection and Breeding Success (PDF, 535 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Evan B Hill, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Doreen Mengel

Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Secretive Marsh Bird Habitat Use During Spring Migration (PDF, 539 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Evan B Hill, Elisabeth (Lisa) Webb, Doreen Mengel

The Timing of Autumn Rail Migration in Missouri (PDF, 409 KB)

Published on Jun 30, 2017 - by Auriel M.V. Fournier, Doreen Mengel