
MDC managers and decision makers often need information on what “the public” thinks about resource management issues—from how users like a new trail or exhibit to how the state should manage the deer population. For any public survey, we must identify the target audience and how results will be used. With nearly every survey MDC conducts reviewers will also ask “Wouldn’t online surveys save MDC money?” and we respond, “It depends!” Online surveys have become attractive as a presumably economical way to measure constituents’ preferences, opinions, and attitudes.

The MDC Deer Program surveys deer hunters to gauge public opinion regarding deer numbers and management strategies and for indicators of deer population trends in each county. We greatly appreciate the responses we receive which help make our surveys an effective management tool! 

Our surveys ask questions about 

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service has been sponsoring the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation every five years since 1955. Over the years, the Missouri Department of Conservation has lent its statistical and survey expertise to help with the National Survey's design and analysis.