Attitudes and Opinions of Runge Conservation Nature Center Lapsed Visitors


Opened to the public in 1993, Runge Conservation Nature Center (RCNC) has 3000 square feet of indoor exhibits, 112 acres, and 5 trails. Programming at RCNC is targeted at all age groups. As part of a visitor use survey at RCNC focus groups were held with lapsed visitors to explore past visitation patterns, attitudes, reasons attendance had lapsed, and what might entice them to return.

Published on May 01, 2010 - by Thomas Treiman

Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring Data Sheet


Data form to be used by volunteers working on the Missouri Eagle Watch program.

Published on Mar 02, 2018 - by Janet Haslerig

In project: Eagle Watch Program

Bald Eagle Nest Monitoring Etiquette


An overview of the current status of Bald Eagle protection and things to be aware of when observing and approaching eagles to reduce disturbance.

Published on Mar 02, 2018

In project: Eagle Watch Program

Bald Eagle Nesting Ecology and Phenology


A guide to the general habitat of where Bald Eagle nests are commonly found, the physical characteristics of the nests and a timing of nest activity.

Published on Mar 02, 2018

In project: Eagle Watch Program

Bat Habitat Conservation Plan


The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has developed this Bat Habitat Conservation Plan to address the potential for covered forest management activities to cause incidental take of five listed or otherwise at-risk bat species over a period of 50 years. The following bat species are covered in this HCP:

  • Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis). Federally listed as endangered.
  • Gray bat (Myotis grisescens). Federally listed as endangered.
  • Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis). Federally listed as threatened. 
  • Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). Under status review by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with the potential to become federally listed. 
  • Tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus). Petitioned for listing with the potential to become federally listed. 
Published on Feb 28, 2022

Bat Habitat Conservation Plan Appendices


Appendices to the MDC Bat Habitat Conservation Plan

Published on Feb 28, 2022

Big Rivers Catfish Assessment - Project Summary


Studies of blue catfish and flathead catfish in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers (big rivers) were prompted by concerns from some anglers about overharvest and inadequate harvest regulations. During 2015 to 2019 blue catfish and flathead catfish fisheries on big rivers were evaluated to estimate exploitation and population demographics. Our studies confirmed that current management approaches support healthy and sustainable populations, and regulation changes do not appear to be necessary to prevent overfishing, which was not evident. However, various harvest regulations were modeled to determine their impact on yield and the number of large fish in the population. Opportunities to manage these catfish populations to better meet the desires of some fishers who prefer to catch larger fish (i.e., size favored over yield) were identified.

Published on Sep 03, 2019 - by Joe McMullen, Kyle Winders

Big Rivers Flathead Catfish Final Report


Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) are native to the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, and support extremely important fisheries on these big rivers. The Missouri River supports a recreational fishery, and the Mississippi River supports both recreational and commercial fisheries. Missouri’s big river, flathead catfish populations have not been intensively managed in the past, and information needed to inform management and regulatory decisions is limiting. Flathead catfish were sampled in the Mississippi and Missouri rivers using low-frequency electrofishing, and these data, along with tag return information, were used to estimate exploitation and other population demographics (e.g., size structure, age and growth, and total annual mortality). Management and regulatory recommendations focus on increasing yield available to fishers and ensuring sustainability of big river, flathead catfish populations.

Published on Jun 01, 2020 - by Joe McMullen, Kyle Winders

Binocular and Spotting Scope Basics


An overview of the proper calibration and use of binoculars and spotting scopes for doing bird monitoring.

Published on Mar 02, 2018

In project: Eagle Watch Program

Biodiversity and human health: mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and green spaces


Natural environments and green spaces provide ecosystem services that enhance human health and well-being. This review describes mechanisms and evidence of effects of biodiversity in nature and green spaces on human health.

Published on Jul 10, 2018