•  March 31, 2023- The MOFEP Woody Vegetation crew wraps up a successful field season. The crew completed surveys of all 648 vegetation plots!
  • October 15, 2022- The 8 person Woody Vegetation crew arrived to start their field season.
  • June 1, 2022- Dr. Knapp (Associate Professor, University of Missouri) and co-authors publish “Escaping the fire trap: Does frequent, landscape-scale burning inhibit tree recruitment in a temperate broadleaf ecosystem?” in Forest Ecology and Management.
  • October 1, 2021- The Missouri Conservationist publishes a NatureLab article about MOFEP's contribution to MDC's new integrated planning tool. View the article here.
  • August 26, 2021- Dr. Zhaofei Fan published "Scale effects on the prediction of rare events in mature second-growth oak forests: a simulation study of cavity trees" in Forestry Research. Find the publication here.
  • May 25, 2021- MOFEP site tour for University of Missouri forestry students.
  • January 2021- Dr. Shunzhong Wang (Visiting Scholar, University of Missouri) and co-authors publish “Forest management effects on downed dead wood at stand and landscape scales in a temperate forest of the central United States” in Forest Ecology and Management.
  • October 2020- Dr. Benjamin Knapp (Associate Professor, University of Missouri) presented the recent downed dead wood research at the Society of American Foresters National Convention.
  • October 16, 2019- Brad Graham joins the MOFEP team as the new Overstory Project Lead and MDC Forest Ecologist. Welcome, Brad!
  • October 4, 2019- Dr. Robert Marquis (Professor, University of Missouri – St. Louis) and co-authors publish “Declines and Resilience of Communities of Leaf Chewing Insects on Missouri Oaks Following Spring Frost and Summer Drought” in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
  • June 4, 2019- MOFEP site tour for University of Missouri forestry students. 
  • June 2019- Dr. Robert Marquis (Professor, University of Missouri – St. Louis) and co-authors publish “Illustrated Guide to the Immature Lepidoptera on Oaks in Missouri” from data collected on MOFEP.